• Date Due: January 01, 2014
  • Author: Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
  • Enabling Authority: Appropriation Act - Item 314 O.1. through 4. (Regular Session, 2013)
  • Description:
    Quarterly report on the progress in implementing the plan to close state training centers and transition residents to the community. The report shall provide the following information on each state training center: (i) the number of authorized representatives who have made decisions regarding the long-term type of placement for the resident they represent and the type of placement they have chosen; (ii) the number of authorized representatives who have not yet made such decisions; (iii) barriers to discharge; (iv) the general fund and nongeneral fund cost of the services provided to individuals transitioning from training centers; and (v) the use of increased Medicaid reimbursement for congregate residential services to meet exceptional needs of individuals transitioning from state training centers in fiscal year 2014, provided in item 307, paragraphs BBBB.1. and BBBB.2.; and shall include results of the surveys of each individual residing in the facility slated for closure to determine the adequacy of the community to provide care and treatment for the individual, including but not limited to, the appropriateness of current provider rates, adequacy of waiver services, and availability of housing. [Q2 FY 2014]