Description: Report on the guidelines and policies developed for (a) the procurement, possession, storage, and maintenance in each public elementary and secondary school of a supply of opioid antagonists in an amount equivalent to at least two unexpired doses and (b) the utilization of and collaboration with existing opioid overdose training and education programs and resources, including the "Revive!" Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education Program provided by the Department of Health, in the provision of the training in opioid antagonist administration and the procurement and maintenance of a supply of opioid antagonists in accordance with the provisions of this act; (ii) guidelines and policies for the possession and administration of opioid antagonists by school board employees, including (a) the training and certification of at least one school board employee at each public elementary and secondary school in the possession and administration of an opioid antagonist and (b) the administration of an opioid antagonist by any such school board employee to any student, faculty, or staff member believed to be experiencing or about to experience a life-threatening opioid overdose; (iii) guidelines and policies for the implementation of the opioid overdose prevention and reversal program of instruction at each secondary school that includes grades nine through 12, including a model curriculum and any accompanying instructional materials for such program of instruction; (iv) development of model policies for school boards and public secondary schools aimed at encouraging students to complete such opioid overdose prevention and reversal program of instruction prior to graduating high school, including model policies that provide incentives for completing such program of instruction, such as accepting completion of such program of instruction as satisfaction for certain electives credits required for graduation and increasing the flexibility of when and where students may complete such program of instruction, and including model policies for integrating such instruction into existing programs of instruction and providing alternative methods of delivering such program of instruction, such as outside of regular school hours and with options for virtual participation courses; (v) informational guidance materials to be made available to students and parents on the opioid overdose prevention and reversal program of instruction; and (vi) any other policies or guidelines deemed necessary and appropriate. [Reporting requirements of Chapter 451, Enactment Clause 2., of the 2024 Acts of Assembly, are identical.]
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