HD2 - Revision of Titles 1, 5 and 7 of the Code of Virginia
Executive Summary: The General Assembly at its Regular Session of 1964 directed the Virginia Code Commission, by Chapter 625 of the Acts of that Session, to revise certain titles of the Code of Virginia, including Titles 1, setting forth general provisions, 5, relating to aviation, and 7, relating to boundaries, jurisdiction and emblems of the Commonwealth. Hugh R. Thompson, Jr., Esquire, of the Richmond City Bar, and William Griffith Thomas, Esquire, of the Alexandria Bar, were retained as Counsel to assist in the revisions of these titles. Counsel examined the provisions of these titles in detail, and consulted interested individuals, groups and agencies of the State government. The Commission met with Counsel on several occasions, reviewed these titles, and discussed in detail changes recommended by members of the Commission, by Counsel, and by the above-mentioned individuals, groups and agencies. As a result of its efforts, the Commission concluded that there is no necessity for the wholesale revision of Title 1 and is recommending the amendment of only a few sections thereof. However, as to Titles 5 and 7, we consider it desirable that there be a rearrangement of a number of the provisions for better sequence, a general renumeration of the sections, the deletion of certain obsolete sections, and the amendment of other sections. We are of the. opinion that this can be better accomplished by the repeal of Titles 5 and 7, and the enactment of Titles 5.1 and 7.1 in lieu thereof. Included in this report are the respective reports of Counsel to the Commission on Titles 1, 5 and 7. Also, following each section of the drafts of Titles 5.1 and 7.1 are Counsel's notes identifying the source of the provisions of the section and commenting upon any change therein. Furthermore, preceding the drafts of Titles 5.1 and 7.1 there are set forth tables of comparable sections, for the purpose of tracing each of the provisions of Titles 5 and 7 into proposed Titles 5.1 and 7.1 These tables also indicate those sections of Titles 5 and 7 which have been deleted, and those sections of Titles 5.1 and 7.1 which are new sections. Those who are interested in the major features of the revisions should read the reports of Counsel and the notes following the several sections of Titles 5.1 and 7.1, to which reference is hereby made. RECOMMENDATIONS The Code Commission submits this report, and recommends that the Legislature enact the attached bills in 1966. The Commission acknowledges the high caliber of the work of Counsel in this project. The assistance of various agencies and individuals is gratefully recognized. Respectfully submitted, James M. Thomson, Chairman E. Almer Ames, Jr., Vice-Chairman John B. Boatwright, Jr. W. Moscoe Huntley Kenneth C. Patty |