HD26 - Report of the Governor's Management Study Implementation Commission
Executive Summary: On November 25, 1970, the Governor's Management Study Commission completed and released its report. Certain recommendations in this report can be effectuated only by legislative action. To resolve this problem the General Assembly, in House Joint Resolution No. 20 of the 1971 Session, created a Commission to evaluate the recommendations of the Governor's Management Study Commission and to study how those recommendations should be implemented. A. Pursuant to House Joint Resolution No. 20, John Warren Cooke, Jr., Speaker of the House of Delegates, served as chairman of the Commission and appointed the following delegates as members of the Commission: Honorable W. Roy Smith, Petersburg The late Lieutenant Governor J. Sargeant Reynolds, as President of the Senate appointed the following senators as members of the Commission: Senator Hunter B. Andrews, Hampton After his election as Lieutenant Governor, Henry E. Howell, Jr., as President of the Senate, became the ninth member of the Commission. The Virginia Advisory Legislative Council and the Division of Statutory Research and Drafting made staff and facilities available to carry out this study, Robert B. Cousins, Jr., and Sally T. Warthen being assigned as counsel to assist the members and the study commission. B. The Commission met and heard from the following representatives of the departments and agencies which are affected by the recommendations of the Governor's Management Study: John R. McCutcheon from the Division of the Budget; H. Douglas Hamner, Jr., from the Division of Engineering and Buildings; Benjamin P. Alsop from the Department of Purchases and Supply; Gordon W. Mills from the Division of Automated Data Processing; R. V. Davis from the Water Control Board; James B. Douglas, Jr., from the Division of Marine Resources; E. E. Holmes of the Virginia Port Authority; Otis L. Brown of the Department of Welfare and Institutions; Allen Wolfe from the Department of Mental Hygiene and Hospitals; William T. Coppage from the Schools for the Deaf and Blind; Vern L. Hill from the Division of Motor Vehicles; Douglas B. Fugate from the Department of Highways and L. M. Kuhn, Legislative Fiscal and Information Officer. As a result of these meetings, the Commission agreed that in order to consider each recommendation of the Governor's Management Study, more time would be required and further careful investigation would have to be conducted. It was possible, however, for the Commission to give full consideration to several "priority items", and now, after due deliberation and research, the Commission makes its report to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia. |