SD17 - Interim Report of the Virginia Housing Study Commission - December 1972

  • Published: 1972
  • Author: Virginia Housing Study Commission
  • Enabling Authority: Senate Joint Resolution 49 (Regular Session, 1972)

Executive Summary:

The final report of the Virginia Housing Study Commission, "THE HOUSING CRISIS", which was submitted to the Governor and General Assembly a year ago, contained four recommendations, all of which have been enacted into law in substantially the same form as proposed.

Three of the recommendations, which were based on an extensive two-year study by the Commission, dealt with increasing the production of low and moderate income housing. These were:

1. The creation of the VIRGINIA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY which, with its unique financing ability, would play a major role in supplying housing to low-income families at prices and rents they could afford.

2. The adoption of a UNIFORM STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE designed to eliminate the diversity of codes regulating the use of materials and techniques, which is one of the barriers to the greater production of housing.

3. The establishment of a Department of Housing (which was enacted as the OFFICE OF HOUSING within the Division of State Planning and Community Affairs) and a policy formulating Board. This Office will elevate housing to a position of state purpose and concern and set forth the State's housing policy and goals.

The fourth recommendation called for the Commission to be continued for two (2) years in order that in-depth study of social and economic aspects of housing could be conducted. The complexity of these problem areas precluded the formulation of recommendations in the time allowed.