HD24 - Transportation Source Air Pollution in Virginia

  • Published: 1974
  • Author: Secretary of Transportation and Public Safety
  • Enabling Authority: House Joint Resolution 254 (Regular Session, 1973)

Executive Summary:

The 1973 General Assembly enacted House Joint Resolution No. 254 which directed the Secretary of Transportation and Public Safety "... to explore and encourage the development of all means of transportation which will reduce air pollution while efficiently and economically serving the citizens of Virginia ..."

The Secretary of Transportation was also directed to report annually on the progress of the Commonwealth's efforts to carry out the purpose of the resolution.

Pursuant to the requirements of House Joint Resolution No. 254, I requested the assistance of the Division of State Planning and Community Affairs (DSPCA) in the preparation of a report which would examine the degree to which various transportation modes contribute to Virginia's air pollution problems and which would make recommendations regarding the most appropriate actions for the Commonwealth in reducing transportation source air pollution. For this initial effort, it was agreed that a thorough analysis was desirable and should include an examination of the following subject areas:

• definition of the air pollution problem

• identification of areas where pollution levels have reached or exceeded national air quality standards

• evaluation of the impact of the automobile as well as other transportation modes on pollution levels

• description of alternative transportation strategies that could impact the level of transportation source pollution

• recommendation of those strategies that would most eff ectively provide both air quality and mobility to all Virginia citizens

I also requested that the DSPCA work with appropriate state, local and federal agencies in gathering information for the report and in defining and evaluating the alternative transportation strategies.

I am pleased to submit the attached report on Air Quality and Mobility in Virginia. In this report, the DSPCA has developed a comprehensive analysis of Virginia's existing and potential transportation source air pollution problems. It provides an extensive discussion of many alternative transportation strategies and makes specific recommendations regarding those strategies that appear to be most appropriate and effective for State involvement at this time.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Wayne A. Witham
Secretary of Transportation and Public Safety