SD17 - First Interim Report of the Commission on State Governmental Management

  • Published: 1974
  • Author: Commission on State Governmental Management
  • Enabling Authority: Chapter 432 (Regular Session, 1973)

Executive Summary:

The Commission on State Governmental Management was created by the General Assembly during its last session (Acts of Assembly 1973, c. 432; S 694) to study the possible reorganization of state government and in general to bring about greater efficiency in state governmental operations.

In undertaking its study the Commission recognizes the fine work of the Governor's Management Study. Despite this work, however, the cost of governmental services and the size of government have continued to expand at a rate much greater than that of other indicators of growth, such as the rise in personal income, increase in the gross national product, the rate of inflation, and the increase in population. In fiscal year 1969-1970 the general fund budget was $1.368 billion whereas the general fund budget expected to be approved for fiscal year 1975-1976 will show an increase of more than 100% over fiscal year 1969-1970. In addition, there has been no reduction, but rather an increase, in the number of state agencies; and substantial duplication still exists in many areas of state government.

This interim report represents the early thinking of the Commission. From its study to date and its initial deliberations has come a series of recommendations which are contained in this report. The magnitude and complexity of state government and the overwhelming requirement that the Commission's effort be a thorough and thoughtful one have impressed upon its members the immensity of their task. Since its initial meeting in July, 1973, the Commission has concentrated on identifying the issues to which it should direct its efforts and on selecting the best approach by which to attack those issues. This process has been difficult and .time consuming, but a most important one in order to avoid hasty decisions or the choice of wrong approaches. The Commission has also come to recognize that the original period for its work will not be long enough to undertake the task that it has been given; One of the recommendations is addressed to this point.