HD28 - Report of the Animal Welfare Study Committee

  • Published: 1976
  • Author: Animal Welfare Study Committee
  • Enabling Authority: House Joint Resolution 200 (Regular Session, 1975)

Executive Summary:

In order to gather information and citizen input, the Committee held a public hearing which was well attended by representatives from private veterinary practices, animal protection societies, animal clubs and breeder associations, the State Veterinarian's Office and the Attorney General's Office.

The testimony presented indicated that the animal welfare problems covered a broad spectrum: animal abuse and cruelty, overpopulation f pets, control of decease, pollution, theft, law enforcement and consumer fraud. The testimony presented suggested that the current animal welfare laws in Virginia are in need of amendment and consolidation.

Although the original study directive focused primarily on agricultural animals, the Committee found that the abuses brought to their attention were common to companion animals and birds as well. The Committee decided that a comprehensive animal welfare act that would apply to all such animals could address and resolve best the problems associated with animal welfare.