SD18 - Health Education in the Public Schools
Executive Summary: During the 1975 Session of the General Assembly, the House of Delegates, in House Joint Resolution No. 244, directed the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council to conduct a study of health education in the schools of the Commonwealth. Pursuant to House Joint Resolution No. 244, the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council appointed a committee to study health education in the State's schools. Members of the Committee were Senator Lawrence Douglas Wilder, of Richmond; Dr. Marilyn Crawford, of Harrisonburg; Mrs. Virginia Crockford, of Richmond; Dr. Keith Howell, of Charlottesville; Mrs. Bettie Prentice, of Alexandria; Delegate Norman Sisisky, of Petersburg; Dr. Lindley Smith, of Richmond, and Mrs. Louise C. Toney, of Richmond. Senator Wilder served as Chairman. As there was not sufficient time in which to examine all of the factors relative to health instruction in the State, the General Assembly directed, through Senate Joint Resolution No. 9, that the Council continue its study. |