HD16 - Final Report of the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation on Orthomolecular Psychiatry
Executive Summary: In February 1981, the General Assembly passed House Joint Resolution No. 258 requesting the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation to study orthomolecular psychiatry. To carry out the study and to develop appropriate policy, the State Mental Health and Mental Retardation Commissioner appointed a Task Force composed of the following members who all displayed their concern and dedication to improving the treatment of the mentally ill: Brian Bouton, M.D., DeJarnette Center for Human Development and Private Practice; Owen Brodie, M.D., Private Practice; Miss Margaret Cavey, R.N., Acting Assistant Commissioner, Rehabilitative Services, Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; Mrs. Sam Ferrell, President, Schizophrenia Foundation of Virginia; The Honorable Lewis P. Fickett, Jr., Patron, House Joint Resolution No. 258; David Fitch, Ph.D., Director, Children and Youth Services, Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; Mrs. Margaret Foley, Director, Richmond Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services Board; Merritt Foster, Jr., M.D., Chairman, State Mental Health and Mental Retardation Board; Blaine Friedlander, Forensic Habilitation, Inc.; Charles W. Gunn, Jr., Administrative Services Director, Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; Donald Jones, M.D., Director, Medicolegal Services, Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; Miss Betty Joyce Moore, School of Nursing, Medical College of Virginia; Patrick O'Hare, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; Frank Patterson, Assistant Director, Justice System Services, Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; Eric Ralston, Director, Community Services, Central State Hospital; S. Charles Schulz, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, Medical College of Virginia; Robert Strange, M.D., Director, Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute; Miss C. Blackwell Tackney, J.D., Rappahannock Legal Services, Inc.; Toshio Takakuwa, M.D., Director, Health Services, Northern Virginia Training Center; Thomas Updike, Ph.D., Director, Community Mental Health Services, Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; Robert Ware, Ph.D., Director of Research, Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; and Bernard Williams, M.D., Private Practice. The following persons served as resource members: Elmer Cranton, M.D., President, American Holistic Medical Association; Leonard J. Hippchen, Ph.D., Department of Administration of Justice and Public Safety, Virginia Commonwealth University; and Catherine Smith, M.D., Private Practice. Six meetings were held between July 21 and October 20, 1981, to carry out the intent of the House Joint Resolution No. 258. During that time, the Task Force reviewed literature and research pertaining to orthomolecular medicine and held discussions as to the benefits and negative effects of this approach. These discussions resulted in the submission of four major recommendations to the Legislature. The chairman expressed his gratitude to the members of the Task Force for their contributions. The members unanimously thanked Dr. Schulz for his outstanding leadership and expertise as chairman. |