HD15 - The Guest River State Scenic River

  • Published: 1990
  • Author: Department of Conservation and Recreation and Division of Planning and Recreation Resources
  • Enabling Authority: House Joint Resolution 244 (Regular Session, 1989)

Executive Summary:
The Guest River qualifies to be added to the State Scenic River System. The Department of Conservation and Recreation completed the evaluation of the stream in July 1989, using criteria established to provide a uniform gauge by which all study streams are measured. The study of the Guest River has led to the following recommendation related to State Scenic River designation, protection, administration and management:

1. The Guest River, between the Route 72 bridge and the confluence with the Clinch River, a distance of approximately 6.5 miles, is recommended for State Scenic River designation.

2. The Department of Conservation and Recreation should be appointed the Administering Agency.

3. The duties of the local Advisory Board, appointed by the Governor, should be to advise the Administering Agency on and federal, state or local plans to approve, license or construct facilities which would alter or destroy the natural, scenic, historic or recreational values which caused the river to qualify for designation.