HD19 - The Efficacy and Appropriateness of Implementing Consumer Education at the Middle School Level

  • Published: 1990
  • Author: Board of Education
  • Enabling Authority: House Joint Resolution 375 (Regular Session, 1989)

Executive Summary:
Consumer education is not a separate subject in middle school grades in Virginia's public schools. Learning objectives in consumer education are included in the state's Standards of Learning Objectives for social studies and home economics courses in the middle school grades. Learning objectives closely related to consumer education are found in the state's Standards of Learning Objectives for middle school courses in agriculture, language arts, science, and mathematics. Learning objectives related to consumer education also appear in the Standards of Learning objectives for a number of other courses before and after the middle school grades, and are a major part of the content of the Consumer Mathematics course which is offered in the 11th and 12th grades.

Because students in the middle school grades are significant consumers of goods and services, and because the skills in decision making and problem solving which a wise consumer must use are skills which can be learned by early adolescents and applied to many other fields, it is appropriate that students in the middle school grades receive instruction in consumer education.

Consumer education in middle school grades can be effective in helping early adolescents to learn the skills and attitudes which will make them wise consumers. Because students are ready for some concepts in consumer education before the middle school grades, and will not be ready for other content and concepts until they are older, it is appropriate that consumer education be infused into the core curriculum for grades K-12.