HD31 - Leave Sharing
Executive Summary: The purpose of a leave sharing program is to reduce the need for employees to be placed on leave without play (LWOP) should a personal or family emergency situation occur. Leave sharing programs can take many forms, but two are discussed in this report. The first is called "direct share." In this type of plan, employees donate leave directly to a person who needs leave and meets the program's criteria. The second program is a leave sharing "bank." In this program, employees donate leave to a centralized "bank." Eligible employees can then make "withdrawals" of leave from the bank. Participation in leave sharing programs is usually voluntary. If employees have qualifying emergencies such as major illnesses, which require them to go on leave without pay (LWOP), they may apply for and receive paid leave donated by co-workers to cover periods of absence. Last year the Department of Personnel and Training (DPT) reported to the General Assembly on a study of the need for leave sharing in 1989 House Document 18. The study concluded that the small percentage of employees required to go on LWOP for medical reasons because of inadequate leave balances did not indicate a significant need for such a program. DPT recommended that employees be surveyed to determine the level of interest in leave sharing. House Joint Resolution 387 (1989) directed DPT to study the desirability and potential use of leave sharing by Virginia's state employees. If interest in leave sharing warranted, DPT was further directed to develop plans for such a program. The following report provides the results of the employee survey. The report further discusses several issues which surround the State's current leave program and describes some actions which are anticipated to address these issues. This report outlines a "direct share" leave sharing program that can be adopted by the State on July 1, 1990. Finally, guidelines are included for a "leave bank" pilot program which will be initiated on July 1, 1990. |