HD59 - The Need For and Feasibility of Implementing a Training Program on Truamatic Brain Injury for Emergency Medical Personnel, Educators, and Mental Health Counselors

  • Published: 1990
  • Author: Department of Health
  • Enabling Authority: House Joint Resolution 393 (Regular Session, 1989)

Executive Summary:
The 1989 Report of the Joint Subcommittee Studying the Needs of Head and Spinal Cord Injured Citizens and the Need for Research Pursuant to House Joint Resolution 135 (House Document No. 72) called for further study in several areas. One specific recommendation of the Report called for a study of the need for and feasibility of implementing a training program on traumatic brain injury for emergency medical personnel, educators, and mental health counselors (HJR 393).

The training needs of these three disciplines vary significantly due to the time frame and circumstances of their interaction with the head injured person and the different roles they perform or services they provide for the person. Due to these differences, the training needs of emergency medical personnel will be addressed separately from the needs of educators and mental health counselors.