SD21 - The Feasibility of Developing a Plan by Which Temporary State Wage Employees Could Obtain Health Benefits

  • Published: 1990
  • Author: Department of Personnel and Training
  • Enabling Authority: Senate Joint Resolution 212 (Regular Session, 1989)

Executive Summary:
Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 212, which was passed by the 1989 General Assembly, directed the Department of Personnel and Training (DPT) to conduct a study of the feasibility of establishing a program whereby part-time employees working more than one-half time could obtain health benefits.

In conducting this study, DPT established three major objectives:

1. To determine the level of interest of part-time employees in obtaining health benefits, and identify the types of benefits desired and the amount employees would be willing to pay for these benefits;

2. To examine the policies and practices of other states with respect to the provision of health benefits for part-time employees; and

3. To identify alternative ways in which the Commonwealth could make available health benefits to part-time employees, and determine the advantages and disadvantages to each.