HD42 - Report of the Commission to Propose Recommendations to Improve and Enhance the Economic Development of the Southside Region of the Commonwealth

  • Published: 1991
  • Author: General Assembly and Special Commission
  • Enabling Authority: House Joint Resolution 106 (Regular Session, 1990)

Executive Summary:
Adopted by the 1990 Session of the General Assembly, House Joint Resolution No. 106 (HJR 106) established a commission to propose recommendations to improve and enhance economic development in the Southside region of the Commonwealth. The Commission was composed of twenty-three members as follows: the Speaker of the House of Delegates and one member each from the House Committees on Appropriations, Finance, Agriculture, Education and Labor and Commerce, appointed by the Speaker; one member each from the Senate Committees on Finance, Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources, Commerce and Labor, and Education and Health, appointed by the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections; and twelve members from the Southside region of the Commonwealth, including two representatives each from local governments and from the business and industrial communities, two local economic development officials, one representative each from the banking community, a major utility, and a four-year institution of higher education, and a community college president, appointed by the Governor. The manager of the Southern Regional Office of the Division of Industrial Development, Department of Economic Development, served as an ex officio member of the Commission. The resolution directed that the Speaker serve as Chairman of the Commission. The Commission was to submit its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly.