HD24 - The Study of Summer Reading Programs in Response to House Joint Resolution 423

  • Published: 1992
  • Author: Department of Education
  • Enabling Authority: House Joint Resolution 423 (Regular Session, 1991)

Executive Summary:
Delegate Jackie Stump introduced House Joint Resolution 423 in response to the concerns expressed by certain local school officials regarding the availability of an enrollment in reading programs during summer school. The Resolution directed the Board of Education to study the feasibility of compulsory summer reading programs for students who score in the bottom quartile on standardized tests in grades one through three.

Due to the relationship between summer school programs and the Board of Education's study of "Instructional Time and Student Learning," this study was incorporated into the report entitled "Instructional Time and Student Learning: A Study of the School Calendar and Instructional Time," and detailed information can be found in that report.

The vast majority of Virginia local school divisions offer summer school programs for students requiring additional assistance in reading instruction. Many of these divisions rely on state funding to support these programs. Summer school programs vary widely in terms of eligibility requirements, student enrollment, and the length of programs. A number of local school divisions utilize a curriculum focused on enhancement of reading comprehension and written language skills in a natural language learning environment. It is recommended that summer school programs be targeted as one important vehicle for meeting the need for increased instructional time for students requiring additional reading instruction. However, it is not recommended that such programs be mandated. Rather, local school boards should continue to have the flexibility to exercise all options for increasing instructional time to meet the needs of these students. It is recommended that funding for increased instructional time for students requiring additional reading instruction be continued and expanded when possible. It is further recommended that summer school programs be supported as staff development opportunities for teachers, allowing teachers to enhance their familiarity with alternative techniques for instruction and classroom management.