SD4 - A Study of Transportation Trust Fund Allocation Formulae (SJR 188) 1992 Interim Report
Executive Summary: During the 1991 General Assembly, several resolutions were introduced that required the study of various aspects of transportation funding. These resolutions refer to the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) Allocation Formulae that were codified into law in 1985 and 1986 when the TTF was created. The highway formulae were derived from analyses performed by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) which, among other recommendations, called for a periodic evaluation of the formulae to ensure that equity continued to be obtained in the distribution of funds. Significant increases in population and changes in its household location and employment patterns provided the impetus for review of the allocation formulae. Anticipated reauthorization of the federal-aid program provided another reason for evaluation. The federal-aid program that had been in existence since 1956 was lapsing in September 1991 and concern was expressed that the current formulae might not be compatible with the new program and prevent the Commonwealth from obtaining all of the federal funds for which it was eligible. Comprehensive evaluation of the formulae would also naturally include the study of a rail fund since the first distribution within the formulae is to modes. Study Mandate and Charge Senate Joint Resolution 188 mandates that the Virginia- Department of Transportation (VDOT, or the Department): (1) study the Transportation Trust Fund allocation formulae and make recommendations for revising the formulae in order to maintain equity in the distribution of the Fund, and (2) assess the need for rail freight and passenger services and programs, and identify funding sources and mechanisms required to provide assistance for meeting rail needs. To fully address TTF allocation issues, a third requirement of the study is to consider the federal, state and local participation in meeting transportation needs. Allocation equity and policy issues for highways, public transportation, rail transportation, aviation, and ports will be evaluated. The study results will include assessments of current TTF allocation structures and mechanisms and recommendations for alternatives to these structures, if appropriate. Study Approach The issues to be addressed include an examination of rail needs and potential funding sources and mechanisms to meet the identified needs, an examination of other modal needs and historic funding patterns, and a study of the highway formulae. First the existing formulae will be evaluated to determine whether equity continues to be obtained; if they no longer provide equity in the allocations, alternative factors and weights will be considered. Lastly, alternative formulae will be discussed. The methodology to be used in this study for the evaluation of the current formulae is based on that used in the 1983 and 1984 JLARC studies of transportation allocations. Dollar needs will serve as basis of allocations and equitable allocations will be defined as allocation share proportional to needs share. The formulae will be approached from a broader policy perspective as well. In part, SJR 188 is being conducted by VDOT because of its broad expertise in transportation issues and because it recently completed a number of studies that relate to transportation needs and allocation issues. However, due to the far-reaching implications of findings and recommendations resulting from any study of transportation funding, participation from individuals and groups outside VDOT has been structured into the study process. Five regional public meetings were held and an Advisory Network, consisting of 43 individuals, was established to ensure that perspectives from modal, geographic, governmental, and other transportation interests are provided throughout the conduct of the study. |