HD13 - The Availability and Delivered Prices of Wood Wastes Within Virginia for Possible Use as Energy Fuel in State Facilities

  • Published: 1994
  • Author: Department of Forestry
  • Enabling Authority: House Joint Resolution 582 (Regular Session, 1993)

Executive Summary:
Pursuant to the 1993 House Joint Resolution No. 582, the Virginia Department of Forestry was requested, "to survey the availability and delivered prices of wood wastes within the Commonwealth."

Working with other state agencies and excellent cooperation from the sawmill industry, data was collected that provided answers to the questions requested in the Resolution.

The data showed:

1) The wood by-product sawdust is produced in large quantities and available to the highest market buyer.

2) Average delivered price for sawdust as a fuel was $9.37 per ton. Prices ranged from $5-$15 per ton.

3) Average hauling distance was 58 miles with ranges from 1/2 mile to 210 miles (one way).

4) Sawdust will be available for many years judging from past and present sawmill production and the industry infrastructure.

5) A lack of markets for sawdust does not appear to be a hindrance to expansion of the Commonwealth's wood manufacturing industry.

6) If all other factors proved to be economically feasible for an energy plant, a state facility should be able to purchase sawdust for fuel.