HD48 - The Use of Coal Mine Lands and Facilities for Economic Development

Executive Summary:
House Joint Resolution 587, passed by the 1995 General Assembly, directed the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy to study the feasibility of using closed coal preparation plants and other coal facilities, including mined lands, for industrial, commercial and residential development. The study was completed by the Department with assistance from the Coalfield Economic Development Authority, the Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission, the LENOWISCO Planning District Commission, coal companies, and coalfield citizens.

The Coalfield Economic Development Authority, Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission, and LENOWISCO Planning District Commission jointly developed criteria to evaluate the suitability of closed coal mine sites for industrial, commercial and residential development. Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy staff used the criteria to evaluate abandoned, idle and active coal mine lands. Over 75 sites with economic development potential were identified throughout the southwestern Virginia coalfields. The Department provided summary information on the sites to regional economic development officials, and will provide more detailed, site-specific information from agency records as sites are considered for specific economic development projects.

The Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy found that no state law or regulation changes are necessary to allow economic development uses of closed coal mine lands and facilities. The Department did find that guidelines would assist coal operators, land owners and economic development officials in developing the lands for economic development as an approved post-mining land use.

Ongoing actions will facilitate future uses of coal mine lands and facilities for economic development. These actions include:

(i) coal operators, land owners and the Department will evaluate the potential of active mines for economic development and developing reclamation plans during initial mine permitting to facilitate future land development at the least cost;

(ii) the Department will notify the Coalfield Economic Development Authority, the planning district commissions and the Department of Economic Development when sites are identified for possible economic development uses;

(iii) the Coalfield Economic Development Authority, the planning district commissions, the Department of Economic Development, the Department, and localities will share automated data to facilitate development of new industrial, commercial and residential sites, particularly on closed coal mine sites;

(iv) the Department will develop guidelines on how to develop reclaimed coal mined lands for economic development under state mining laws and regulations;

(v) the Department will work with interested groups to develop incentives for re-mining of coal mined lands; and

(vi) the Department will design Abandoned Mined Land Program projects when practicable to facilitate economic development on the sites.