SD6 - Obstetrical Training of Family Medicine Residents in the Commonwealth

Executive Summary:
Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia has five family practice residency training programs located in Blackstone, Chesterfield, Fairfax, Hanover and Newport News (Riverside). All five enjoy fill accreditation from the Liaison Committee on Graduate Medical Education. A survey was conducted to ascertain compliance with the present and proposed new requirements of obstetrical training within the essentials for family practice residency accreditation. Compliance with these new essentials should lead to family physicians who can provide obstetrical services for uncomplicated deliveries in rural Virginia.

Present requirements for maternity care require a two-month experience where the resident (1) must be provided instruction in the biological and psychosocial aspects of pregnancy, delivery, and care of the newborn of a woman and her family to include the principles and techniques of prenatal care, management of labor and delivery, and post partum care to enable residents to manage a normal pregnancy and delivery; (2) must assume the responsibility of longitudinal provision of antenatal, natal, and postnatal care during their three years of training; and (3) elective experiences in high-risk maternity care, including the opportunity of residents to develop technical proficiency in appropriate operative procedure that may form a part of their future practice.