HD42 - Overview: Review of Information Technology in Virginia State Government

Executive Summary:
The 1996 Appropriation Act directed JLARC to complete a review of information technology services by January 1, 1998. The study was to include an evaluation of technology planning, an assessment of privatization of the State data center, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of multiple mainframe computer platforms. Because of the technical nature of the study, Gartner Group Consulting Services was hired to complete the review.

Gartner Group produced a number of reports in completion of the study, including reports on the results of benchmarking reviews of the State's data center and telecommunications services, and a final report on findings and recommendations. Combined, Gartner Group's reports total more than 500 pages, and make 23 recommendations for improvement in the State's management of information technology. Findings from the study relate to three broad categories: privatization of information technology services, management of resources, and reorganization of the information technology function. This overview document is a summary of the key findings and recommendations from the Gartner Group reports.

With regard to privatization, Gartner Group found no compelling business reasons to privatize the State data center. Some other information technology services are recommended for privatization. In pursuing the outsourcing of services, Gartner Group recommends that the State adopt a standard process to ensure that privatization decisions are sound.

Gartner Group's analysis of resource management resulted in recommendations to discontinue the use of the Unisys mainframe and to develop a new client/server operation within the State data center. Other recommendations address issues related to network administration, billing reconciliation, and procurement.

In the final area of review, Gartner Group recommends a major reorganization of the information technology function within State government. This includes creation of a Chief Information Officer position to be responsible for all information technology planning and services. In addition, Gartner Group recommends creation of a new technology services agency and an advisory council to better integrate State agencies into the information technology planning process.