HD62 - Overview: Year 2000 Compliance of State Agency Systems

Executive Summary:
The 1997 Appropriation Act directed JLARC to complete a review of the status of year 2000 compliance of State agency computer systems. Gartner Group Consulting Services completed the review with assistance from the JLARC staff. This report is an overview of the findings and recommendations from the Gartner Group study.

The study found that addressing the year 2000 problem in State computer systems may cost as much as $83 million. Given the costs and the potential serious consequences of not adequately addressing the problem, Gartner Group recommended that the State create a year 2000 project office to refocus the efforts of State agencies.

Recognizing the critical importance of this issue, the Governor's proposed budget includes more than $47 million to fund year 2000 work in State agencies and institutions of higher education. Additional funding is provided for a year 2000 project office, which is now being created and staffed. In addition, the Council on Information Management continues to work with agencies to ensure that assessments of systems are completed and that agencies are implementing necessary replacement or repair strategies. These steps should improve the State's ability to address the year 2000 problem effectively.