HD12 - Review of the Use of Consultants By the Virginia Department of Transportation

Executive Summary:
House Joint Resolution No. 263 (1998) directed the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to review the use of consultants by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This report focuses on VDOT's use of engineering consultants in the development of road and bridge projects in the State.

While VDOT has always used consultants, its level of consultant use has increased substantially in recent years. As of August 31,1998,VDOT had 675 consultant contracts for engineering-related services outstanding, with a total dollar value of $840.9 million. This amount is eight times the dollar value of outstanding consultant contracts in 1987.

The review found that VDOT's procurement and management of consultant projects is generally good. However, with the rapid growth in outsourcing, VDOT is not well-positioned to adequately monitor its overall use of consultants and consultant processes. VDOT needs to put in place management tools to better track its level of consultant use and the quality and cost-effectiveness of consultant work.

In particular, the department has not been proactive in identifying what is the most appropriate level of consultant use, particularly from the perspective of what is most cost-effective. While consultants generally provide a valuable service to VDOT, this review found reason for concern that VDOT's current level of consultant use may not be optimal in some instances. In addition, VDOT needs to address significant staffing and workload issues concerning the oversight of consultants. Further, it needs to implement a system to ensure coordination of overlapping projects. Recommendations addressing these concerns are included in this report.