HD59 - Victim Notification Systems

Executive Summary:
In 1998, the Virginia General Assembly passed House Joint Resolution 158 directing the Virginia State Crime Commission, as lead agency, to study the feasibility of statewide implementation of an automated victim information and notification system. Specifically, HJR 158 requested that the Crime Commission evaluate:

• The cost of implementing a victim information and notification system in the Commonwealth;

• The feasibility of implementing a victim information and notification system in the Commonwealth; and

• The effects a victim information and notification system would have on the Commonwealth and its citizens.


Generally, the workgroup found:

• Citizen concern about the rights of victims of violent crimes has increased over the last several years.

• Victim information and notification systems are one way to address the fears and concerns of victims of violent crimes.

• Various private vendors provide automated victim information and notification systems of similar design and effect.

• Automated victim information and notification systems must be interfaced with the computer systems of each criminal holding facility located within the Commonwealth.

• Various criminal holding facilities with in the Commonwealth currently use a variety of computer hardware and software to track inmate populations.

• Individual vendors need to know the specific number of criminal holding facilities and each facility's respective operating system before they can estimate the cost of implementing a victim information and notification system.


• The Virginia State Crime Commission recommends a request for proposals be issued to vendors of victim notification and information systems to determine the cost of and feasibility of integrating the Commonwealth's correctional centers and regional jails into such a system.