HD37 - Centreville Transit Study

Executive Summary:
HJR 757 requested the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation to "study the desirability and feasibility of daily bus service between Centreville and Tysons Corner, the Vienna Metro station, the Herndon/Reston area, and destinations along the Dulles Airport Corridor."

DRPT, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) and Fairfax County determined that the scope of the work in HJR 757 could best be accomplished by coordinating it with the Metropolitan Washington Regional Bus Study. The study began in February 2000 and is being conducted by WMATA with involvement from DRPT and all local jurisdictions in the Metropolitan Washington Area.

The study process for identifying potential transit markets between Centerville and key regional employment/activity centers involves two steps. The first step is to identify present and future all-mode work trip patterns that originate in the Centreville area and are destined for identified employment/activity centers. The second step of the process is to apply transit mode shares reflecting the Washington Region and National experience with bus and rail services from and to suburban residential areas and activity centers. This step takes the information from step one and applies criteria that help determine the portion of the total volume that would be likely to use transit for work trips. Based upon the results of these two steps, a recommendation will be provided on what, if any, steps should be taken.

The study results and recommendation should be available by late January 2001. Upon completion of the study, a comprehensive report will be submitted to the General Assembly.