SD41 - Report of the Joint Subcommittee to Study Continuing and Vocational/Technical Education Executive Summary:I. Study Origin This study was originally initiated pursuant to SJR 447 of 1999 (*1), Patroned by Senator Frederick M. Quayle. Senate Joint Resolution 447 noted that vocational technical education is required in Virginia, that vocational/technical education students have many accomplishments, that many students enter the world of work upon graduation from high school, and that often individuals who start their work experience directly after high school want or need additional training that does not require college credit courses. This 1999 enabling resolution also observed that the Commonwealth already had an outstanding system of higher education; however, there was no public institution whose sole mission was to provide continuing vocational and technical education beyond the high school level. The study was continued in 2000 pursuant to SJR 242 (*2), with a more general and comprehensive focus on continuing and vocational/technical education. The enabling resolution, SJR 447, established a thirteen-member joint subcommittee, including seven legislators (three members of the Senate and four members of the House of Delegates) and six citizens; the membership was revised in 2000 by SJR 242 to include eight legislators (three members of the Senate and five members of the House of Delegates). The citizen members were designated, in both resolutions, as follows: an expert in adult education from a small rural school division, a representative of the community college system, a local school board member, an expert in vocational and technical education from a large urban school division, a representative of the four-year institutions of higher education, and one representative of a career center serving young people. Senator Frederick M. Quayle served as chairman; Delegate Kenneth R. Plum served as vice-chairman. Other members so appointed were: Mr. John G. Avoli, Delegate George E. Broman, Jr., M. D., Senator Charles J. Colgan, Mr. John W. B. Craig II, Ms. Judy Liles, Mr. Reginald M. Malone, Sr., Delegate Robert E. Orrock, Sr., Delegate Jackie T. Stump, Dr. Thelma B. Thompson, Senator Patricia S. Ticer, and Delegate Glenn M. Weatherholtz. II. Study Directives Senate Joint Resolution 447 of 1999 directed the Joint Subcommittee to determine the need for and feasibility of developing a school or center designed to deliver continuing vocational and technical education beyond high school. In performing this study, the Joint Subcommittee was required to: 1. Determine the rate of college attendance and military entry; 2. Determine how many students graduate with vocational/technical completers in Virginia; 3. Conduct site visits to various vocational programs; 4. Assess the need for a continuing vocational and technical education center; 5. Confer with the various agencies to identify needed training/course work; 6. Estimate the costs of establishing a vocational/technical continuing education center; and 7. Consider any other related issues, as necessary. Senate Joint Resolution 242 of 2000, the continuing resolution, directed the Joint Subcommittee to: 1. Complete the planned site visits of vocational/technical programs; 2. Review Virginia's laws relating to vocational/technical education for their relevancy to existing and future programs; 3. Continue its examination of the feasibility of developing a center for continuing and vocational education; and 4. Examine such other issues relating to continuing and vocational/technical education as it may deem necessary. ______________________________________ (*1) Senate Joint Resolution No. 447 of 1999; see Appendix A for text. (*2) Senate Joint Resolution No. 242 of 2000, see Appendix A for text.