HD4 - Value Engineering of State Agency Capital Outlay Projects

Executive Summary:
I. Introduction
The Director of the Department of General Services is required by Section 2.1-483.1:1 of the Code of Virginia to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before September 15 of each year the (I) number and value of the state capital projects where value engineering (VE) was employed and (ii) identity of the capital projects for which a waiver of the requirements of Section 2.1-483.1.1:1 was granted, including a statement of the compelling reasons for granting the waiver. This report provides information for the period from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001.

II. Projects
Sixteen (16) projects with an combined estimated construction value of approximately $260 million qualified for Value Engineering as required by Section 2.1-483.1:1 of the Code of Virginia and Section 814.0 VALUE ENGINEERING of the Commonwealth of Virginia Construction and Professional Services Manual for Agencies, December 1996 (CPSM).

III. Savings
Estimated savings for owner-accepted VE items were provided for fifteen (15) of the above projects. These projects had a total combined estimated construction value of approximately $245 million. The estimated savings recommended by the value engineering teams and accepted by state agencies for these projects totaled approximately $11 million, or 4.6% of the estimated construction value.

IV. Waivers Granted
There were no waivers granted during this reporting period to exempt projects from the requirements for preparing a value engineering study.