HD41 - Performance Goals and Strategies

Executive Summary:
The General Assembly through the 2004 Appropriations Act required the Virginia Tourism Authority to develop performance goals and strategies to measure the impact of the Authority’s marketing efforts to promote Virginia’s tourism and filming products. The language as written in the Appropriations Act, Chapter 4, Item 134.J is as follows:

"J. The Authority shall work with the Secretary of Commerce and Trade to develop performance goals and strategies to measure the impact of the Authority's programs and activities, specifically in the areas of (1) marketing and promotions, (2) customer service and industry relations, and (3) film and television productions in Virginia. The Authority shall submit these goals and measures by December 1, 2004, to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees. In addition, it is the intent of the General Assembly that the Authority incorporate these performance goals and strategies in budget amendments for review and approval by the 2005 Session."

The Authority has developed eight (8) Performance Measures that will be used to measure the effectiveness of its primary “purpose” to attract more people, encouraging longer stays and spending more money in the Commonwealth. This “purpose” applies to both tourism marketing promotion and increasing film production, both having a marked economic impact on Virginia’s economy, employment and tax base. These measures were developed with the direction of the Secretary of Commerce and Trade and have been posted on the Virginia Results Website (www.dpb.state.va.us/VAResults). The authority will report on the results annually in conjunction with the Virginia Results reporting requirements.