RD76 - Annual Report on the Roanoke Higher Education Center (FY 2004)
Executive Summary: In its fourth year of operation the Roanoke Higher Education Center continued to provide expanded access to workforce and technology training and higher education to the residents of the Greater Roanoke Region through a partnership that includes the Commonwealth of Virginia, local government, business leaders, and the Center’s member institutions and organizations. In late spring of 2003 the 5th District Employment and Training Consortium closed its doors after more than 30 years. The clients once served by the 5th District Consortium were served by another organization not affiliated with the Center. Total enrollments declined as a result of the loss of the Training Consortium, but the remaining members increased their enrollment over previous years as individuals in the region found opportunity at the Center to seek further education and training to cope with the slow economic recovery. Enrollments are about evenly split between workforce training and higher education. |