RD86 - Annual Report on the Virginia Statewide Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program - Non-State Funding Report

Executive Summary:
The Virginia Statewide AHEC Program was established in 1991 to increase access to primary care. It grew out of several recommendations from the Virginia Department of Health. As provided in Section 32.1-122.7 of the Code of Virginia, the mission of AHEC is to promote health careers and access to primary care for medically underserved populations through community-academic partnerships. This mission is accomplished by conducting programs to: 1) attract students into health careers, 2) support the community-based training of health professions students and residents, 3) recruit, support and retain health providers to underserved areas or settings that address the needs of underserved populations, and 4) promote health and prevent disease in partnership with other community organizations.

The Virginia Statewide AHEC Program is administered through a statewide advisory board and the eight individual AHECs. AHECs receive federal funding through a “Model State-Supported AHEC” cooperative agreement. The “Model” cooperative agreement from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) requires a 100% non-federal match. In FY04, the Virginia AHEC Program office at VCU received $894,424 in federal model funding (direct & indirect) of which 75% was equally distributed among the eight (8) community AHEC centers - a 2.52% decrease from FY2003. In fiscal year 2005, the AHEC Program has experienced an additional 30% congressional cut to $692,352.

In FY 2004, $277,794 in designated state funds were distributed to the eight AHEC centers; the remaining $22,206 were returned to the Virginia Department of Health to replace funds received prior to the budget cuts. The state appropriation was first decreased by 14% in FY03, and again in FY04 by 70% to $300,000. The $300,000 general fund appropriation shall be used for the recruitment and retention, practice support, and training of health care professionals in medically underserved or areas with medically underserved populations.

In addition, the Department of Medical Assistance Services -- to the extent permissible under federal and state laws -- entered into an agreement with the Virginia Statewide Area Health Education Centers so that qualifying funds may be used at the discretion of each center for obtaining matching non-general funds when available.

The AHEC Program Office and Centers acquired an additional $1,557,180 in other funds through local, state and national grants, foundations, associations and fees.