HD4 - Virginia State Parks User Fee Study

Executive Summary:
[The entire Executive Summary can be viewed in the full report.]

In its management of the Virginia State Park System, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation in response to operational funding shortfalls, has been aggressive in raising prices for park services and now Virginia is among the most expensive when compared with other public providers in the region. These fee increases -- including more than 30 percent increases in cabin, camping, and parking fees over the last two years -- the development of new facilities and services, plus expanded marketing efforts have led to a precipitous increase in visitation and state park revenues over the last decade. The pattern of growth will continue into the future as cabin and campground projects of the 2002 State Parks and Natural Areas General Obligation Bond initiative come on line. While this study finds, that the Department can continue to explore new programmatic opportunities that may have a positive impact on state park revenues, it also finds that only limited amounts of new revenues are available without major increases to fees for core services.