HD96 - Progress Report on Virginia's Statewide Multimodal Long-Range Transportation Plan -- VTrans2025

Executive Summary:
The VTrans2025 final report identified 21 policy recommendations in the areas of funding and investment, land use, connectivity, priority setting, and sustaining theVTrans2025 vision. Implementation of these policy recommendations is essential to the success of the multimodal plan and realization of the VTrans2025 goal of a SAFE, STRATEGIC, AND SEAMLESS transportation system. In March 2005, the Multimodal Office was established to facilitate implementation of the recommendations in theVTrans2025 final report and foster long-range transportation across all modes. In April2005, the Multimodal Office prepared an Action Plan that identified specific actions to betaken to implement the recommendations and otherwise further multimodal planning in the Commonwealth. Of those actions, eight major initiatives of the Multimodal Office were identified and discussed. This Progress Report details the tasks undertaken to date for each of the eight Multimodal Office initiatives and describes the status of each action item identified in the Action Plan.

Institutionalization of the multimodal planning effort has directly resulted in several accomplishments, as noted in the following pages. In addition to these benefits, increased coordination among the transportation agencies and between the state and regional planning bodies as a result of the VTrans2025 planning effort has raised awareness of multimodal issues at all levels, sensitized planners to opportunities for improvements, and increased collaboration on specific projects. These accomplishments are as important as the specific tasks noted in this document and will yield compounding benefits to the Commonwealth.