RD1 - Report on the Implementation and Financing of the Child and Family Services Review's Program Improvement Plan

Executive Summary:
The purpose of this report is to describe the implementation and proposed financing of the federally required foster care services improvements in localities through the Child and Family Services Review’s Program Improvement Plan (PIP). The report provides an overview of the Child and Family Services Review process. Additionally, the report contains a summary of the review findings and recapitulates the development, implementation and proposed financing of the PIP.

The Child and Family Services Review, authorized by the 1994 amendments to the Social Security Act (SSA), provides an unique opportunity for the federal government and state child welfare agencies to work as a team in assessing the state’s capacity to promote positive outcomes for children and families involved in the child welfare system. The review covers child protective services, foster care, adoption, family preservation and family support, and independent living.

The review examines seven outcomes related to child safety, permanency, and well-being. In addition, there are seven systemic factors that determine the extent that states are functioning at a level that promotes achievement of the outcomes for children and families. Although Virginia met some of the federal standards, the report identified 10 outcomes and systemic factors that must be addressed in the PIP.

The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) received guidance from the Child Welfare Advisory Committee in the development of the PIP. Commissioner Maurice A. Jones was committed to having a system-wide PIP that represented the viewpoints and priorities of VDSS and local service providers. Therefore, he facilitated a video conference in June 2004 with directors, supervisors, and child welfare workers to discuss the PIP and receive feedback from local partners. A draft of the PIP was placed on the local agency website and local staffs were encouraged to provide comments.

The first version of the PIP was submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on July 21, 2004. Comments from federal representatives were received and a revised PIP was submitted on November 17, 2004. It is anticipated that the PIP will be approved prior to January 1, 2005, with an implementation date of January 1, 2005.

VDSS is aware that additional resources at the local level will be needed to implement the provisions of the PIP. To determine the cost of implementing the PIP, a committee made up of representatives of the League of Social Services Executives’ Administrative Committee and Child and Family Committee, and VDSS was established.

Each strategy in the PIP was reviewed to determine if additional staff or money will be needed to implement the strategy. VDSS has submitted a budget proposal asking for new general fund dollars to help cover the cost of implementing the PIP. Federal dollars and a local match will also be used.

The Child and Family Services Review provides an opportunity for states to examine their outcomes and systems and to identify needed improvements. VDSS considers the program improvement phase of the review as the cornerstone of our continual progress toward quality services and positive outcomes for children and families. Working with our local partners, VDSS has developed a system-wide PIP that should improve the services that are offered to the children and families involved in the child welfare system.