RD120 - Annual Report on the Statewide Web-based Standards of Learning Technology Initiative (2005)

Executive Summary:
Virginia's Web-based Standards of Learning (SOL) Technology Initiative is beginning its sixth year of implementation. The goal of the initiative is to have school divisions use Web-based systems to improve the SOL instructional, remedial, and testing capabilities of schools beginning with high schools and continuing into middle schools and then elementary schools. Four objectives of the initiative are as follows:

1. Provide student access to computers at a ratio of one computer for every five students;

2. Create Internet-ready local area network capability in every school;

3. Assure adequate high-speed, high-bandwidth capability for instructional, remedial, and testing needs; and

4. Establish a statewide Web-based SOL test delivery system.

As detailed in previous annual reports, the Virginia Department of Education (DOE), with assistance from the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA), implemented a formal project management structure at the outset of the initiative to ensure successful project completion. The DOE utilizes that structure and continues to guide school divisions toward completing the four objectives.

Financial Support for the Initiative

Financial support for Virginia's Web-based SOL Technology Initiative continued for a fifth year in the form of proceeds generated by the sale of technology equipment notes. At the direction of the General Assembly, the Virginia Public School Authority (VPSA) conducted the sale of Series V Technology Equipment Notes in May 2005. The proceeds from Series V notes resulted in approximately $59,000,000 being available to school divisions to improve their technology infrastructure. These additional funds increased the total statewide investment in technology infrastructure for the Web-based SOL Technology Initiative to more than $289,000,000.

(Due to the inclusion of charts, the full summary can be viewed in the full report.)