SD15 - Study of Local Firearms Hunting Ordinances

    Executive Summary:
    During the course of this study period for SJ 38, the Department corresponded with all 134 counties and cities to request their input on the use of model firearms hunting ordinances and specifically how the needs of the locality could be met through the consideration and use of model ordinance language. Of the 134 localities, 65 are currently represented on the local firearms ordinances, laws, and regulations list included in the Department's annual digest of hunting and trapping laws in Virginia. Sixty-nine localities do not have any such ordinances. Feedback was received from 44 localities - 23 with ordinances and 21 without.

    As indicated above, feedback received from the counties and cities was somewhat limited. Further, one of the main issues that the study resolution is trying to address is the lack of uniformity and simplicity in local firearms hunting ordinances (thus the 73 different listings in the annual digest), and based on the information received from the localities, there remains further work to be done in this regard.

    The Department has requested that the study be continued for an additional year during which time it expects to work closely with the localities to continue the discussions about the development and use of model ordinance language.

    [There is no report to follow as specified in the study resolution.]