HD29 - Progress Report on Agency Performance Goals and Objectives

Executive Summary:
Item 97 C2 of the 2005 Appropriation Act requires that the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) submit a progress report to the Governor and the General Assembly by the first day of the 2006 Session of the General Assembly on its effort to achieve its performance goals and objectives. VDACS and the Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry developed the following performance goals and strategies to measure the impact of the department’s activities in these areas: (1) marketing and product promotion; (2) food safety and inspection services; (3) animal industry veterinary services and diagnostic laboratory services; and (4) plant pest and disease control services.

The Department utilizes a strategic plan to establish and implement agency goals and objectives and to support agency priorities in delivering services to its clients. Working with the Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry, the Secretary of Commerce and Trade and the guidelines prepared by the Department of Planning and Budget, the Department developed a strategic plan for the 2004-06 biennium and reported the department’s performance goals in House Document 55 (2004) Report of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Performance Goals and Strategies. In the plan the department’s performance goals are as follows:


We promote the economic growth and development of Virginia agriculture, encourage environmental stewardship and provide consumer protection.


1. Enhance opportunities for the growth and profitability of the Virginia agriculture industry.

2. Ensure a safe and wholesome food supply.

3. Provide agricultural and consumer protection services which support economic growth encourage environmental stewardship and meet consumer needs.

4. Increase Agency services and productivity through new technology, e-government applications, work processes and procedures, and training.

5. Provide services which prevent or minimize the impact of emergency agricultural infestations, animal disease outbreaks, foodborne illness outbreaks, and natural and manmade disasters.

The progress report represents VDACS’ performance on the objectives and strategies which were developed to guide service delivery and establish the priorities of the various program areas in the agency. The report covers the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005.