HD31 - Impact an Aging State Workforce

Executive Summary:
House Joint Resolution 103 passed by the 2004 General Assembly directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to study the impact of Virginia’s aging population. The study resolution raised specific concerns about the aging of the State workforce and with the “concomitantly increasing demands on the financial resources of the Virginia Retirement System and the state and local governments that support it…” This review, a companion to the study of the impact of the aging population on State agency services, focuses more narrowly on the concerns related to an aging State workforce, with an emphasis on how agencies are planning for and coping with anticipated changes in their workforces.

This report provides information on the composition of the current State workforce and the outlook for future retirements. It also discusses the Commonwealth’s efforts in recognizing and addressing issues associated with its aging workforce. As requested by the study mandate, the report considers the impact of a growing number of retirements on the Virginia Retirement System and State agencies. Finally, the report discusses the effect of an aging workforce on the State's health care programs. A separate JLARC report examines the broader issues related to the impact of the State’s aging population on agency services and programs.

[See also House Document No. 35 (2004) for interim report on "Impact of Virginia's Aging Population on State Agency Services and House Document No. 10 (2006) on Impact of Aging Population on State Agencies.]