HD50 - Victim/Witness Program Funding History and Outlook

Executive Summary:
Currently, there are 102 local grant funded Victim/Witness Programs and four statewide victim assistance programs. Local programs are primarily located in prosecutors’ offices and law enforcement agencies. In FY2006, these programs provided direct services to 64,315 victims.

The Victim/Witness Fund currently provides 63% of grant funds supporting Victim/Witness Programs. The remaining 37% comes from federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant funds administered by DCJS. For most programs, DCJS grants are the sole source of funding.

The “Virginia Victim/Witness Fund” (see §19.2-11.3) was established in 1995. Fund revenue is generated through a $3 assessment collected by the clerks of court from convicted offenders. The $3 assessment on offenders has never been increased and no General Funds have been appropriated to support Victim/Witness Programs from FY1996 through FY2007. The 2006 Appropriation Act currently includes appropriation of $500,000 in General Funds to support Victim/Witness Programs in FY2008.

Over the last five years, on average, the Victim/Witness Fund collected about $4.2 million annually from convicted offenders. During the same time period, annual expenditures from the Fund to support services for crime victims through local Victim/Witness Programs have averaged $6.2 million per year. A balance was maintained in the Fund as program services, implementing the Victims Bill of Rights (19.2-11.01), were expanded statewide. Available Fund revenue is no longer sufficient to maintain programs statewide.

Without an FY2008 appropriation of $2,679,571 in General Funds, grant awards to Victim/Witness Programs will be reduced and it is estimated that 15,140 crime victims will not receive program services annually.