HD66 - Increased Enforcement on Interstate 81

Executive Summary:
Construction on Interstate 81 began in 1957 and was completed in 1987. Interstate 81 spans 325 miles of Virginia and runs north and south along the spine of the Appalachian Mountains. It was originally constructed as a four lane, divided, limited access highway. This remains true today, except some small areas of the roadway have been expanded to allow for additional traffic lanes.

Interstate 81 is a major north/south thoroughfare. Over the years, growth along the communities adjacent to the interstate and the increased demands for goods and services have created a tremendous volume of both passenger and commercial motor vehicle traffic. This increase in traffic has ultimately led to more congestion, more traffic crashes, and a significant increase in citizen complaints of poor driving behavior.

In response to the increase in traffic-related problems on Interstate 81 in Virginia, the Virginia General Assembly allocated $110,000 per fiscal year to be used to compensate Virginia State Troopers for working in an overtime status along the Interstate 81 corridor. The funds were approved for three fiscal years: 2005-2006, 2006-2007, and 2007-2008.