RD53 - Annual Report of the Education Commission of the States
Executive Summary: The creation of Education Commission of the States (ECS) 40 years ago this summer signaled an historic commitment from governors, Legislators and educators to work together to improve public- education. At the time, North Carolina Governor Terry Sanford called it "the most exciting promise of any educational experiment on the American scene." The founders of ECS created this organization as a way to assemble the best minds and the most experienced opinions into working parties to explore new ways for the states to attack the problems and carry out research on all aspects of education. ECS quickly evolved into a nationally recognized leader in helping state leaders across the country shape educational policy. Importantly, ECS also provides states the opportunity to fulfill their role as the senior partner in American education. Today, ECS members include 49 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa and the Virgin Islands. The demand for ECS' services and expertise has grown rapidly as states face more pressure than ever to close the achievement gap, increase school readiness, meet adequate yearly progress, better align K-12 and postsecondary systems, improve higher education access and graduation rates, and attract and retain high-quality teachers. The stakes are high: America's ability to maintain its piece in the world largely depends on the performance of its education system. Graduating with only a high school diploma is no longer an option in today's global economy. And the fastest-growing portion of the school population - poor and minority children - are students whom the education system continues to serve least effectively. These challenges are taking place within a rapidly changing socioeconomic environment that will shape the world where our students will have to work and live. To help states address these challenges, ECS has established four institutes that will provide information on trends and resources, policy analysis and research and cutting-edge solutions to today's most pressing education issues. Through the institutes ECS will offer state leaders hands-on assistance and convene national and state policymakers and education leaders. The four institutes focus on: • School improvement (accountability, assessment, early education, No Child Left Behind, high school reform and finance) • Teaching quality leadership and governance • Postsecondary education and workforce development • Citizenship education, service-learning and arts education. ECS will continue to play an essential role serving as a conduit between state leaders and the federal government on these and other critical issues. |