HD3 - Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Reporting Among Clinical Laboratory Providers
Executive Summary: The General Assembly, through Item 302 FF (2) of the 2006-2008 Appropriations Act, directed the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) to request that clinical laboratory providers calculate and report to physicians the estimated glomerular filtration rate (EGFR) when performing serum creatinine (or blood) tests on Medicaid recipients over the age of 18. The serum creatinine test measures the amount of creatinine in a patient's blood. Creatinine is a waste product that is formed by the normal breakdown of muscle cells. The EGFR measures how well an individual's kidneys are filtering wastes from the blood and is generated using a formula that accounts for several factors including a patient's serum creatinine level. The EGFR is used by health care providers to monitor patients who have chronic kidney disease (CKD) and to identify patients who are at risk of developing the disease. The General Assembly also directed DMAS to report on its efforts to increase EGFR reporting among clinical laboratory providers and on the extent to which these providers are complying with this request to the Governor and Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by January 1, 2007, This report is designed to fulfill that directive. The sections that follow provide background information on kidney disease and the EGFR, DMAS efforts to increase awareness among providers about kidney disease and the EGFR, and the results of a survey of clinical laboratory providers conducted by DMAS to determine the extent to which these providers have been complying with its request. |