RD257 - A Study of the Mental Retardation Service System in Virginia
Executive Summary: Virginia has established the infrastructure to support individuals with disabilities through the local CSBs, state training centers, the Mental Retardation and Day Support Waivers and the oversight of DMHMRSAS and DMAS. However, many gaps exist in the present system of supports. Facilities at aging training centers require upgrades and improvements in order to ensure the health and safety of their residents. Many individuals in the community are in urgent need of the kinds of supports offered by the MR Waiver but must await the availability of a slot. There is a need for non-Waiver funding for individuals unable to access Medicaid at the present time. Around the state there are inconsistencies in the availability of services often due to Medicaid reimbursement rates that fail to attract providers of services. Finally, there is a need for the expansion of existing and development of additional MR Waiver services to ensure individuals' health and safety. It is the belief of those who developed this report that it offers Virginians with intellectual disabilities the best plan to fill individuals' most urgent needs, honor choices, assure health and safety and ensure that individuals and their families can enjoy a good life. The process used to develop this report also allowed stakeholders to work together in a positive and constructive way, and they are likely to continue to work together to improve the lives of many individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families with the implementation of the recommendations contained in this report. |