RD218 - Information Technology Investment Board Recommended Technology Investment Projects (RTIP) Report for the 2008-2010 Budget Biennium

Executive Summary:
The Commonwealth Information Technology Investment Board (Board) recommends 48 technology investment projects listed in Appendix A of this report for new or continued funding. Twenty of the 48 projects are currently active, with an estimated total project cost of $484,788,977, and are recommended for continued funding. All active projects are fully funded.

Twenty-eight new projects are recommended for funding. All new projects have received CIO planning approval and the estimated total investment is $251,968,017. If all new projects are fully funded, $182,474,042 will be required to support planned expenditures in the 2008-2010 budget biennium as outlined in Appendix B of this report. Nineteen of the 28 new projects are fully funded from either general or non-general funds while three are partially funded, accounting for $129,068,479 of the total planned expenditures. Six projects are currently unfunded and an additional $53,405,563 would be required in the 2008-2010 biennium to fund those projects.

Exhibit 1 summarizes the Board recommendation for new or continued technology investment project funding. As agreed to by the Board, the recommended list of active projects does not include the projects in the Virginia Information Technology Infrastructure Partnership, which implements the Northrop Grumman partnership and supporting contract. The Board fully supports the continuation of the partnership as a long-term Commonwealth program initiative. In recognition of the complexity, cost and significant impact of the infrastructure transformation on the operation of state government, the Board has established a dedicated committee to provide program governance and oversight.

In making these recommendations, the Board re-emphasizes its intent to give increased priority to IT projects that have statewide application or a potential for an enterprise solution. Projects with statewide application benefit multiple agencies within the Commonwealth or localities and can take the form of applications or contract vehicles. Enterprise solutions are generally implemented across all state agencies.