RD424 - Annual Report on Initiatives on Outsourcing, Privatization, and Downsizing within the Department of Transportation - FY2008
Executive Summary: The Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT or The Department) FY2008 expenditures totaled $3.47 billion. The Department spent $2.62 billion, or 76% of those expenditures externally: $2.00 billion with private sector vendors (58%), and another $0.62 billion in transfer payments (18%). When debt obligations are included, VDOT’s total external expenditures in FY2008 comprised 83%, or $2.88 billion of the $3.47 billion. Figure A below reflects the breakdown of expenditures. Figure A: Breakdown of FY2008 VDOT Expenditures by Department of Accounts Category FY2008 VDOT Expenditures (in millions): Private Sector Vendors: $2,004.2/58% Transfer Payments: $620.3/18% Debt Obligations: $258.1/7% Personal Services: $582.3/17% The Department continues to expand outsourcing, privatizing, or downsizing where supported by good business practices. Highlights of activities in these areas include: Table 1.0: Highlights of FY2008 and FY2009 Outsourcing, Privatization and Downsizing Activity FY2008: Outsourcing: Outsourced 85% of interstate mileage maintenance to Turnkey Asset Management Services (TAMS contracts). Privatizing: Developed and negotiated privatization ventures valued at $5.34 billion. Executed Capital Beltway HOT Lanes Project valued at $1.40 billion. Downsizing: Reduced VDOT positions to 8,472 from 8,576 full time employees. FY2009: Outsourcing: VDOT is scheduled to reach 100% of TAMS outsourcing by May, 2009. Privatizing: Developing or soliciting new highway construction proposals for Downtown Tunnel/Midtown Tunnel/MLK and Route 460 in Hampton Roads valued at $3.55 billion. Downsizing: Reshaping the organization and streamlining staffing. Restructuring services and customer programs. The cost to complete this study was $25,550. |