SD10 - Opportunities for Offshore Wind Energy in State Territorial Waters

Executive Summary:

This report describes the Virginia Marine Resources Commission’s (VMRC) effort to determine whether sufficient and appropriate subaqueous land exists in state territorial waters to support the generation and transmission of electrical or compressed air energy from offshore wind. This review is conducted in response to Acts of Assembly 2009, Chapter 766 (SB1350).

This Act amended § 28.2-1208 of the Code of Virginia, by adding the following:

• provides the Marine Resources Commission with the authority to lease subaqueous lands for the purpose of generating electrical energy from wave or tidal action, currents, offshore winds, or thermal or salinity gradients and transmit energy from such sources to shore (in addition to permits required pursuant to § § 28.2-1203 and 28.2-1204 of the Code of Virginia),

• requires that any leases require a royalty to be appropriated to the Virginia Coastal Energy Research Consortium (VCERC),

• requires the maintenance of a State Subaqueous Minerals and Coastal Energy Management Plan (in lieu of a Subaqueous Minerals Management plan) as a supplement to the State Minerals Management Plan as well as the Virginia Energy Plan , and

• directs VMRC to:

– identify 100 acres suitable for use by the VCERC as a research site,

– in consultation with the VCERC, other state agencies, conservation and industry representatives, and other interested parties as appropriate, determine whether sufficient and appropriate subaqueous land exists in state territorial waters to support the generation and transmission of electrical or compressed air energy from offshore wind, and

• by March 1, 2010 submit its findings in a written report to the General Assembly.