RD31 - Plan for Issuance of Debt Projects Pursuant to Item C-85, Chapter 874, Acts of Assembly 2010

Executive Summary:
The current Appropriation Act (Chapter 874, Acts of Assembly 2010) requires the Secretary of Finance to prepare a plan for the issuance of debt for capital projects authorized in Item C-85 of the Appropriation Act and for projects authorized in Item C-84, Central Maintenance Reserve, Item 245 Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund and Item C-86, Improvements: Energy Projects. The plan is to include a schedule for issuance of debt to fund projects in the following priority order:

Priority 1: Maintenance Reserve
Priority 2: Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund
Priority 3: Equipment for Previously Funded Projects
Priority 4: Construction (funds for projects with completed planning)
Priority 5: Improvements: Energy Conservation

In addition, the Plan is to take into account the most recent recommendations of the Debt Capacity Advisory Committee so that the schedule for the issuance of debt for the affected projects stays within the limits of debt capacity established by the Debt Capacity Advisory Committee.