RD74 - Report on Amendment 60 Comprehensive IT Infrastructure Agreement - Activities, Progress and Performance

Executive Summary:
Governor Bob McDonnell announced on April 6, 2010, the successful conclusion of a major contract revision to the Comprehensive Infrastructure Agreement (CIA) between the Commonwealth and its private sector IT infrastructure partner, Northrop Grumman. These contract changes -- referred to herein as Amendment 60 to the CIA -- were intended to provide improved performance to the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) customer agencies, provide greater accountability and operational efficiencies for the services provided, and resolve outstanding financial issues. Key features of this contract revision under each of these three major areas are as follows:

Performance improvements

• Expedite service and response
• Provide agencies with greater flexibility over administrative tasks
• Improve speed and quality of procurement and service requests
• Overhaul help desk services
• Add new services and pricing options
• Move desktop upgrades forward

Accountability and operational efficiencies

• Consolidate and strengthen Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
• Increase SLA penalties by 15%
• Create a clear, faster dispute resolution process
• Establish three-month review period to ensure performance


• Extend the contract three years
• Allow billing from a rebaselined inventory
• Provide for more detailed billing

Per the provisions of the Appropriation Act, activities, progress and performance related to key points of Amendment 60 are reported on the following pages. This report will be the final status report on activities, progress and performance related to Amendment 60.