SD13 - Report on Progress in Meeting Senate Joint Resolution No. 308, Establishing Shared Goals for an Engineering Program of Study with Shared Responsibility Among the Science, Mathematics, and Technology Disciplines - December 2011

Executive Summary:
Senate Joint Resolution No. 308 (SJR No. 308) requested the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to establish shared goals for an engineering program of study and assign a shared responsibility for the program among existing science, mathematics and technology education disciplines. The incorporation of engineering design is viewed as one effective methodology to apply mathematics, science, and technology content in practical ways.

The Career and Technical Education Office of the VDOE has traditionally been responsible for a range of rigorous engineering and engineering-related courses at the middle and secondary levels and has given significant support to infusing engineering design in elementary school programs. The current Standards of Learning for both mathematics and science have many connections with and supports for engineering, so greater incorporation of engineering design within these disciplines is a natural fit. Further, the 10 Governor’s STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) Academies serve as excellent models for reinforcing engineering in the secondary curriculum, demonstrating practical applications and real-world connections.

In order to meet the intent of SJR No. 308, the VDOE convened a committee of engineering, higher education, and K-12 stakeholders to discuss how the agency might proceed in defining shared goals for an engineering program. Based on the input and recommendations from the committee, VDOE established four overarching goals for an engineering program of study:

GOAL I: Professional Development

Elementary, middle, and high school mathematics, science, and technology education teachers will enhance their understanding of and pedagogical skills for teaching engineering design by participating in high-quality professional development.

GOAL II: Policy

Virginia Board of Education regulations, documents, and communications will support the integration of engineering design in mathematics, science, and technology education.

GOAL III: Instructional Resources and Assessments

Curriculum materials and education resources for mathematics, science, and technology education will support the incorporation of engineering design in the K-12 program.

GOAL IV: Business Partnerships and the Work Force

Public/private partnerships will support sustainable programs that advance engineering design in the K-12 program and enhance a STEM-focused work force.