RD102 - Biennial Progress Report on Comprehensive Services to Children, Youth and Families - February 2012

Executive Summary:
Biennial report on the progress of comprehensive services to children, youth and families and a plan for the next succeeding biennium, including: a. fiscal profile of current and previous years' federal and state expenditures for a comprehensive service system for children, youth and families; b. information and recommendations from local comprehensive service systems with responsibility for planning and delivering services to children, youth and families; c. goals for comprehensive services and the estimated costs of implementing, progress toward previously identified goals and establish priorities for the coming biennium; d. report and analyze expenditures associated with children who do not receive pool funding and have emotional and behavioral problems; e. identify funding streams used to purchase services in addition to pooled, Medicaid, and Title IV-E funding; and f. other information or recommendations as may be necessary and appropriate for the improvement and coordinated development of the state's comprehensive services system. [See also the reporting requirement of Item 274. I., Chapter 890 (2011 Acts of Assembly)]